Teresa Ramos-AlvareImage may contain: 1 person, sittingz - $10 happy for some promising job prospects (we hope you can keep close to home and still join us)
Will Duerksen - $16 bittersweet for the 16 years his daughter played soccer. He recently travelled to Denver to watch her play in her last game. He visited the US Mint while there and gifted President Cheryl with 2019 coins and a moneyball.
Ron Nelms- $5 not so happy because American surveying will adopt the International Foot (surveyors currently use the US Survey Foot. Don’t know the difference? Check it out here: https://www.civilgeo.com/when-a-foot-isnt-really-a-foot/ )
Dan Johnson -$10 happy because he has three tickets available for when his band opens for Los Lobos on 12/28 at The Canyon in Santa Clarita
Mindy Wilmot - $40 happy; $1 to commemorate her first Rotary meeting one year ago 12/19 and 39 years of friendship with her sponsor, President Cheryl
Heath Niemeyer - $19 happy that although the planned 19th anniversary celebration did not go as planned due to a visit to the ER, everyone is safe and sound
Jeff Haynes and Denise Haynes were each $10 happy in reporting that their new grandbabies, who will be third cousins, are girls.
Congratulations to Marlene Heise for winning $63 in this week’s drawing. Her table won first place in trivia AND she won the drawing. Hope she bought lottery tickets on the way home.